The VA Boston Healthcare System announces TWO Clinical Fellowship (CF) positions for the coming Fiscal Year. The starting date will be within the time frame of July through September of the current year negotiable depending on the availability of the successful candidate.
Recruitment begins NOW. Applications will be accepted through Close of Business (COB) February 03
The appointment is 12 months, 2080 hours. Each stipend is $47,145 + benefits
TWO full-time, one-year (12 month) CF positions available.
*Must be a US Citizen for this opportunity.
*Applicants with a strong academic background in adult anatomy, cognitive-communication disorders, dysphagia, evidence-based practice, language disorders, neuroscience, neurogenic communication disorders, and voice are preferred.
*Health Professions Trainees (CFs) onboarded/hired on or after November 22, 2021, must be fully vaccinated (or an approved exception) before beginning employment and/or training rotations with VA.
Interested applicants should submit the following for a completed application:
1. A cover letter of interest in the position
2. A Vitae/Resume
3. Experience Document 2020 (see link below)
4. Two signed letters of recommendation (emailed in packet by candidate or separately by reference)
Call me with any questions. We will accept completed applications ONLY (cover letter, resume, references, and experience document) and emailed as one document packet, from right now through COB February 03 and then pick the top 6-8 candidates from those for interview starting on or around February 24 with a plan to complete interviews, finalize the process, selecting two candidates on or around COB March 10.
Tentative start date is July through September. We intend to offer TWO distinct experiences with opportunity to share populations and settings for limited prescribed intervals. One focus will be on Transitional (Subacute/Geriatric) Care (Brockton), one focus on Rehab/Acute Care (West Roxbury).
VA Boston Healthcare System, historically, has provided more traineeships to budding healthcare professionals than any VA in the country providing a great opportunity for inter-professional experience. VABHS is the largest consolidated facility in VISN 1, encompasses 3 main campuses and our staff consists of 6.0 FTE. The consolidated facility consists of the outpatient specialty Jamaica Plain Campus (Outpatient Voice Clinic, ALS Clinic), located in the heart of Boston’s Longwood Medical Community; the tertiary care West Roxbury Campus, located on the Dedham line; and the transitional care Brockton Campus, located 20 miles south of Boston.
Thanks for your interest, time, and consideration.
VA Boston Education Click below to learn more about the Clinical Fellowship program…
Speech Pathology:
Trainee Programs | VA Boston Health Care | Veterans Affairs
Note: Send application and references electronically as a single packet (required).
References can also be accepted directly from the referring party if needed.
Email all applications to: Gary D. Gramigna, Supervisory Speech Pathologist at: